Trading Up Golf Course Marketing

Trading up is when a golf course known for selling low-priced golf products and/or golf services offers higher-priced golf products and/or golf services for sale.

This is the area where a lot of golf properties fail to understand their market and their brand. One of the things MMC® focuses on is building the golf course’s brand by taking the brand from where it stands in the marketplace and building it up.

On the surface, some narrow-minded people in the golf industry do not see how MMC®’s golf marketing strategy as “trading-up”. They pass judgement on MMC®’s golf products and golf services from afar but if they ever partner with MMC® they will see our campaigns increase the value of our golf course’s brand. They don’t understand or grasp the concept behind our golf marketing campaigns because it is a new paradigm for them. Our golf marketing campaigns are designed to bring in a lot of casual golfers as well as core and avid golfers, but primarily, we focus our attention on casual golfers because this market is so underdeveloped and it is this segment of golfers which grows the golf course and the game.

The way to grow the game is by going out and attracting new consumers (golfers) to golf and introduce them to the game of golf. In the beginning, the financial commitment of playing golf, with the exception of a certain demographic, is very scary. So, what MMC® does is, we take the regular golf membership and/or green fees and present them in a way that is more palatable for the prospective golf member. We want the casual golfer to be at ease with the price when they are being introduced to the game of golf then get them to commit their loyalty to the golf course by becoming a member of the course. Once we have the golfer interested and fully engaged in the game of golf as well as committed to their new golfing home, then we invite them to trade-up and move up to a more exclusive/inclusive golf membership.

The challenge most golf properties have is they start off high and have nowhere to go but down. MMC®’s philosophy is to trade-up after getting the masses in at one time. Engage the prospective golf member and get them to commit their loyalty to your golf course then start trading-up.

When you focus on trading-up opposed to trading-down, you increase your perceived value within the marketplace and you will definitely start to grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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